Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Iranian`s Mothers towards cardiovascular Diseases
Samira Eshghinia, Farhad Lashkarboloki, Rasool Bertimar, Mahin Nomali
Microbiological quality of milk and dairy products from small domestic producers, and the effect of storage temperature on their microbiological safety
Mikrobiološka kvaliteta gotovih mliječnih proizvoda domaćih malih proizvođača i uticaj temperature skladištenja na njihovu mikrobiološku ispravnost Josip Orec, Suad Habes
Identification of Mycoplasma agalactiae in Milk by Culture and PCR methods in Hamedan of Iran
Amir Momen Hossein, Roshdi Maleki Mehdi
Isolation and identification of Escherichia Coli from urine of outpatients from the Health center Ilidža in the period from 01.09.2011. to 01.03.2012.(Izolacija i identifikacija Escherichia Coli iz urina ambulantnih pacijenata Doma zdravlja Ilidža u periodu od 01.09.2011. do 01.03.2012)
Suad Habes, Amela Kajevic, Adi Mirojevic, Asmir Aldzic, Arzija Pasalic